November 11, 2014

california wedding

These past few weeks have been super busy! This past weekend we spent in California
I’ve never really been to California. I went with my family when I was two years old and I was scared of the ocean, so I had my own tiny pool on the beach to swim in. So none of that counts.

We flew into LAX Friday night and headed to our hotel where I met up with my friendssssss. Over a year ago all four of us were roommates. Vanessa and I decided to room together after only hanging out a few times and two random girls were assigned to our apartment-Kelly and Janessa. The four of us became best friends. Since then we are all graduated, living in 4 different states and getting together for each other’s weddings!

The whole day was beautiful. The temple sealing was perfect and the bride flawless. It made me so nostalgic thinking of my own wedding day. Does anyone want to redo their wedding day, without the crazy planning, and just relive + enjoy the day? Ah! I was so excited for Kelly! This was the first temple sealing I've had the privilege to witness. It was such a special reminder to me of the covenants I have made and the sealing power of the priesthood that was used to seal my husband and I for eternity. It’s such a happy and peaceful feeling to know that we will always be together and how much I love him more every day.
Congratulations Kelly and Paul!
(always on my tippy-toes) 

After the temple ceremony + taking tons of pictures we prepared for the reception. The reception was tons of fun!! I love a reception with a good DJ + lots of dancing. After the party the bride and groom were off and Janessa took us to Newport beach! I was bummed it was nighttime, but the ocean was still as powerful, even more so in the dark. We walked along the beach and let the waves chase us.

Sunday morning we packed up our bags and flew home. The trip was too short. 
I want to go back in the summer and explore those beaches.
 When we arrived back home Sunday night it was freezing, crazy wind and raining. 
Today we woke up to bad roads and 5 inches of snow. Boooooo. 

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