November 15, 2011

I know, I've been horrible at this

But my blogs been looking a little lonely and I honestly feel bad for it haha.
So here's a little update since the last one.
I'm a Texas girl living in Idaho. Something about that is just not right!
It first snowed October 6th. What the heck??!?!?! Now it's snowing again and it's here for the rest of the semester and it's 20 degrees and it will get colder than that. Bring it on.

October=Halloween. For Halloween I was one hot cave woman and then another time a bumble bee! Halloween also means haunted hay mazes (that you get lost in for hours with scary people chasing you) and haunted houses. Scariest stuff ever! But sooooo much fun! I loved all of it. Oh! I also got my FHE brothers to dress up as elements of the Periodic Table! So what if I'm a nerd? haha, it was awesome!

Life is good right now. It's definitely been a... roller-coaster. I've had to go through a few things I probably won't ever understand why but I've really learned a lot from it all. I'm working hard in school.  I turned in my application to get into the Nursing Program here. It's done and gone. Here's to waiting until March to find out what happens next. I know that whatever happens is apart of the Lords plan for me though. (I have this feeling I won't make it in) I can't believe I'm halfway through my first semester of college. But I'm pretty excited for when I'm home from January-April!!

Eric is on his mission. He was set apart as a missionary on October 31st and went into the MTC on November 2nd. Let's be honest here, I send him the best letters ever. He's doing really well now. Two weeks have gone by and he's been learning so much and I can tell that he has already come to enjoy the mtc and he's getting more excited for when he's in his mission field... which is right outside the mtc doors. He said he can't wait to walk out and start!

I can not wait until Christmas! When it comes to what I'm going to ask for Christmas I can never think of anything. I can't "make a list". There's not something BIG that I want. But once you're in college without your momma and you're poor you can think of EVERYTHING you want on that list. So I've been making my Christmas list for about a month now. I'm very, very excited to go home!!

 I should be studying chemistry right now. Ok, bye.