March 23, 2012

The Hunger Games Movie

The Hunger Games was awesome!
There aren't much words to describe it. 
Actually, if you haven't read the book then you should do that before you see the movie. 
I feel like if you saw it without reading the books 
then you only really enjoyed... 34.2% of the movie. 
I had really high expectations from reading and loving the book
 and the movie met those expectations. 
The movie just made the books that much better. 

We made shirts for the midnight premiere.
Shirt making 101: spray paint doesn't work very well, haha. 
"Keep Calm. May the odds ever be in your favor."

A few other notes:
 To the people who fell asleep and were snoring, how embarrassing.(especially in THE HUNGER GAMES!)
 Don't see midnight movies.
And to the woman who was SOBBING when the certain sweet character died,
 maybe you should of read the books so you would know it was coming!

 On our way home we looked up when the SECOND movie is scheduled to come out. the date is NOVEMBER 22, 2013


March 4, 2012

Allow me to catch you up

-This was my life for 6 weeks.-
Classes 3 nights a week for 4 hours
And 24 hour clinicals at a facility.
I graduated from the CNA program March 1st! In case you were wondering, being a CNA is not all about emptying bed pans. I've learned SO much. I practice all the time. It's such an important job, it's been a little overwhelming at times. I hate the feeling of disappointment. But, what doesn't kill you makes you stronger! I'm planning to take the State test to be certified on April 13th. 
I'm one step closer to nursing school!
-I had a new first. I went stethoscope shopping. 
-I've been employed by Six Flags working at Ben and Jerry's.
ugly highlighter uniform
It's actually pretty fun!
- I have a SECOND job at a pdo (parents day out) I watch the most adorable kids!
basically I have two of the best jobs ever. I get to play with cute kids and eat the best ice cream ever!
- I experienced the scariest night of my life. Something I never want to experience again.
- I am a true pinterest junkie.
-I don't know how I even have time for this post.
-I really miss playing the french horn. I wish I could pick up a horn and play Nocturno by Strauss again:(
- I have a dream now to completely renovate a house.
-I'm always listening to this song. I love it.
- I "very, very closly follow" the crazy talented Haugen Creative. It's run by brother and sister, Trevor and Hailey Haugen. Beautiful Videography. Every week they have a new fun/creative/interesting video coming out. You can follow those videos and watch them here.

-My plane leaves April 14th to Utah and I'll be in Rexburg that night. 
- I am BEYOND excited.

Well that's all for now. 
Not much, but I feel super busy!
Until next time:]