The Hunger Games was awesome!
There aren't much words to describe it.
There aren't much words to describe it.
Actually, if you haven't read the book then you should do that before you see the movie.
I feel like if you saw it without reading the books
then you only really enjoyed... 34.2% of the movie.
I had really high expectations from reading and loving the book
and the movie met those expectations.
The movie just made the books that much better.
We made shirts for the midnight premiere.
Shirt making 101: spray paint doesn't work very well, haha.
"Keep Calm. May the odds ever be in your favor."
A few other notes:
To the people who fell asleep and were snoring, how embarrassing.(especially in THE HUNGER GAMES!)
Don't see midnight movies.
And to the woman who was SOBBING when the certain sweet character died,
maybe you should of read the books so you would know it was coming!
On our way home we looked up when the SECOND movie is scheduled to come out. the date is NOVEMBER 22, 2013
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