July 31, 2013

Home Sweet Home

Woop! I have come back to Texas, my home sweet home. No matter how much I love my life in Idaho or visiting Utah, I was really looking forward to coming home. After my first semester of nursing school I needed a break. Okay, I need more like a cruise and vacation on a beautiful island. But I'll take what I can get before I dive into basically 3 straight semesters (with a total of 3 weeks of a break through it all) Once I got home though, I got super sick.. I've been completely wiped out for 5 days and I felt like I needed to do something. 
Like get on here! I haven't been on here in forever... opps.
For the next 5 weeks I don't want to do ANYTHING, except the essentials...

To do list for the next 5 weeks:

get on my pinteresting. it has seriously been neglected.
watch a ton of netflix. mainly New Girl and Psych
get a sick tan
finish all 6 seasons of Gossip Girl so I can get over my obsession with them
exercise a ton when my head isn't about to explode
get updated on blogging (the 14 drafts I have on here)
go to the temple
paint my fingernails a lot (since it's not allowed in the nursing program)
handwrite a letter to a missionary
journal, because this doesn't count
...maybe make some money
eat some good mexican food

I honestly can't think of anything else I remotely want to do.
And I am perfectly okay with this:)

July 26, 2013

Flashback: Some good news!

Now that I sit down and think about it, this long road started many years ago. When I decided that I wanted to be a Nurse. I got the ball rolling when I took my first prerequisite class, Anatomy and Physiology. I worked hard to get an A and had great encouragement. During my very first semester of college I applied to the Nursing Program. That was fall 2011. I thought I had it ALL planned out. There was no way they wouldn't accept me. I was going to college to get an education and be a Nurse!

Notification letters came out in the mail and I was not accepted. I didn't let it get me down. After all, I was still 19 and just finished a super fun first semester of college. It was just a huge reminder how hard that I had to work.

Second semester of college and second application. I was working on a 4.0gpa. Once I applied, I heard back middle of summer 2012. It was another rejection. The thought "What the heck am I going to do with my life?" was now on my mind. I headed straight to the academic counselor. Poor guy that helped me. He really tried. But everything we discussed I kept bringing up nursing. Finally, he suggested continuing looking at the options he set up for me and then setting up an appointment with the head of the Nursing department. I remember waiting outside her office about a week later for my appointment. The girl sitting next to me seemed on the verge of tears and then a girl walked out of her office very visibly crying. I was a little confused why they were crying... until I walked into her office and began talking to her. I hadn't really felt the frustration and disappointment of not getting in until then and I cried. And I prayed about it. And I knew that I was supposed to to be at BYU-Idaho. 

Now, after being on this road for so long, I feel as though it has only really just started. I WAS ACCEPTED TO THE BYU-IDAHO NURSING PROGRAM! 

"Why worry? If you've done the very best you can, worrying won't make it any better."
-Walt Disney

Yes, all this needed to be documented:) 

And now I'm about 4 months late on this post and I completed my first semester of the Program :) More to come on that soon!