October 11, 2011

General Conference Weekend!


I had the opportunity to attend General Conference for the first time ever!! It was a wonderful experience. (What is General Conference you ask? click here) It's a great opportunity to hear the church leaders speak to us. Anyone can listen and hear the words spoken from our general authorities and grow and exercise their faith together. The best thing about conference is that there is something for everyone to hear. I loved it :) I'll really try to not overload about it on here haha.
If you want to read/watch any of the talks they're allllll here!

I hadn't planned on actually attending conference until the week before. It seemed like everyone I knew was leaving to go home or to Utah. So I made plans to go to Utah! I've always wanted to go to conference. Now with living this close to Utah it's possible! I was beyond excited!

I drove to Utah with Angel and Carol, my roommates, and two guys from my ward, Bryce and Michael. And I stayed with Angel and her family in Layton.

Saturday morning Angel and I woke up early to get ready to go to conference!! AHHHH so exciting! It was both of our first times! We were hoping to get into the Saturday morning session on stand by. We met Bryce and Michael and then went to find our line! When we found it we were a little disappointed... we were there 2 hours early and the line was already soooo long. Once we got in line 2 really sweet sister missionaries walk up to us as say "Don't worry, if your in this area of the line you usually get in!" We talked to them for a while. It was just awesome. I loved seeing the missionaries all over temple square. After a long 2 hours of waiting and not knowing for sure if we would get in, WE GOT IN! I was number 237 in line... there was about 1500 people total in line for stand by!! The conference center holds 21000 people!

Shoot. I think we got pretty good seats on stand by. We were on the first floor, sitting to the right of the center, towards the back. I LOVED IT! You should of seen me and Angel when we first walked in. It was like we were attending our favorite band in concert. We were so giddy and excited. It took me like 10 minutes to take it all in. What a great feeling that comes over you when you walk into the conference center with 21000+ other members of the church and the general authorities. What is the first thing the prophet says when he speaks? "HELLO!" hahahahaha I love that man. It was so funny! I love his humor, his facial expressions, and his sweet spirit. 

I was there for that!! He went on to announce the new temples that will be built. I loved being there for that. It was awesome to hear everyone's reactions. Lots of joy and happiness expressed by people in the audience. 

After the morning session me, Angel, Bryce and Michael went out for lunch together. For the second session Angel and I sat in Temple square and listened to the second session. That was really peaceful and I just loved it. 

For dinner we went to a restaurant called Tucanos. Sooooooooooo good! It's a Brazilian restaurant. With the biggest buffet and really good meat that just keeps coming. We were so spoiled on this trip. I felt like I ate enough food on this weekend to last me for a month!

Sunday was wonderful as well. We spent the day watching conference at Angels house. The Sunday morning session was so amazing! It was my favorite. Such amazing talks! oh! and I just love the choirs that sing. Such moving and powerful hymns. We rode home back to Rexburg with a group of friends. What should of been about a 3 hour trip from Salt Lake City to Rexburg turned into a 6 hour trip! hahahahahaha long story.. but we were 20 miles from TWIN FALLS... which is the completely wrong direction! Good thing we had to use to the bathroom so we decided to look at the gps to see if we were almost home and noticed it said we were 2 hours away! hahahaha. We decided to not be angry about it and just have a good time. We were really already having such a good time together that we made a wrong turn. You learn a lot about people when you're stuck in a car together that long. It was so much fun!! I would do  a road trip with those people again! haha But we did make it back! :)

If you want to read any of them/watch any of them they're allllll here!


College has been good to me!

I know, I know. It's been forever since I last blogged. And who am I kidding? It's not like NOTHING has happened. There is no possible way for me to tell you EVERY SINGLE thing in detail of what has happened. But I've got some pretty crazy stories if you want to catch up later! haha

First, I go to THE greatest campus ever. Seriously. BYU-I is better than anywhere else. I love Tuesday devotionals. Even though nap time hits me at about the same time. Sister Dalton was the most recent person to speak to us. She was cracking us up. She peeled a potato! It was awesome haha. I love all my classes (besides those couple of classes no one likes) and my professors are legit. My professors say the funniest things. I actually started writing down quotes they say through-out class.
I love it. My ward is super awesome! We've had some really fun ward activities. My calling is birthday coordinator! It beats being Gospel Doctrine teacher like I was before haha! I'm liking FHE so far! We've been having lots of fun!

So quick catch up!
-My roommates names are Leah, Carol, Angel, Lexi and Nancy! And Leah is my room-roommate! 
-I think I really miss some friends because I'm seeing look alikes of them on campus, but I know they're really not here! ahhhhh
-I'm already complaining about how cold it is. But I can't wait until it snows!... oh wait it snowed and it sucked.
-Most mornings after my 9 am class consist of me coming home, curling up in a blanket and drinking hot chocolate. I wish we had a fireplace.
-Good thing I love reading the Book of Mormon so I can deal with it being my stinkin 7:45 am class!
-My crazy, awesome apartment. I can't imagine what it would be like to live in an apartment where you don't get along with your roommates. We all get along so well. It's truly a blessing to be living in apartment 304.
- I hate when my bread, milk, and fruit go bad!
- But random fact. I got through a whole gallon of milk without it going bad! I'm really proud.
-I hate walking to the Ricks building! Shoot.
-people questioning me where I'm from after I keep saying "y'all"
-"So Rachel I thought everything was bigger in Texas, but you're really small..."
-I feel like I laugh non-stop!
-I have to remind myself that 99.9999999% of the time the person I'm talking to/meeting is LDS.
-I enjoying praying as a class before each class starts.
ok.... I'm stopping there. haha I'm to exhausted to think.

Enjoy pictures!

Left to Right: Top: Lexi, Leah (my room-roommate) and Carol Bottom: Nancy, Angel, Me!
The bathroom all 6 of us share. 
The rest of the living room. 
Be Prayerful, Be Humble, Be Clean, Be True, Be Smart, Be Grateful
Our messy kitchen. If you come over on Wednesday about 6pm it's clean for clean checks:)
Another view

I love this quote and it's on my wall in my room! it's one of the reasons I picked this room haha
The shelf that me and Leah share. This is more my side of it.