February 12, 2015

ten months.

Oh how the time has flown by. Everyone is aware of time passing differently. I think it depends on the stage of life you are currently in and also the different milestones or bumps in the road life places in front of us. My awareness of time passing was based on my college semesters, in chunks of 3 months. "Wow, a semester now gone and over." After 3 semesters, with a few weeks of breaks, a year was already gone. 

I counted down years, months, weeks, days... until Eric would be home from serving a service mission for the LDS church. Then two years has passed and he was home, right back where it felt like he had never left.

Finishing up high school.. moving to college.. finishing college.. It all seemed that time passed by in an "appropriate" amount (or sometimes it felt too slow). 

But when I got married, this all changed, I feel like.

Really? Just this time last year I was planning a wedding in 78 days? Then the BIG day already came and went... almost a year ago?

I didn't plan on posting about this. (Maybe the monthly anniversary post will stop when we've been married a year ha) But I am just surprised how quickly it's going by and how much FUN it has been filled with. I love the quote, "What a wonderful thought it is that some of the best days of our lives haven't happened yet." 

I'm kind of thinking I'm weird for feeling like this now, only after 10 months. I'll be freaked out/amazed when it's 10 years and it goes by faster with every family addition.

But for now, it's been the BEST 10 months and better than I could of ever imagined.
I love our life we are building together as best friends, as husband and wife.

February 9, 2015

skiing and then tumbling down in the snow.

Skiing is a love hate relationship for me. I loved every second of it until my body was exhausted!
I am usually all for going to school, attending all of your classes. I have semesters that I never missed a class, especially when I started nursing school. But Friday Eric decided not to 
attend a couple of classes and suggested we go skiing for the day!

It was my first time to try to ski. This Texas, born and raised, girl finally tried it after living in Idaho for almost 4 years. It was a little strange though that it's early february and we were skiing when it was 55 degrees.. whats up with this winter? I can't complain though, the day was BEAUTIFUL.
I was getting frustrated with the sticks on my feet early on until Eric told me I'm actually catching on reallllly quick. It felt great going down the bunny hill and I could actually stop at the bottom of it!

After the bunny hill two times we went to the ski lift... on I guess the "beginner" side?
I was so nervous, but that bunny hill was nothing, so I thought I had it. I learned really quick that you pick up speed fasssst. I left Eric behind and I didn't know how to slow down. I crashed and rolled a good ways down the hill. Then I just laid in the snow for what felt like forever until I finally saw Eric coming over the hill so carefully and slow. I thought how was he doing that?! Then he saw me and we both busted out laughing. 

I wrecked 4-5 more times and every time is was so fun rolling around in the snow and to have Eric somewhere behind me to laugh with me. I came home and watched 20 different olympic skiing videos. 
Now I truly understand the talent and skills they have!

Today, I'm not as sore as I was the day after. That was torture. And I'm sooo ready to do it again! 

February 5, 2015

rent a puppy when you've been stressed to the max.

^^That should be this business's slogan. Because it's a genius idea to have a dog rental place. 
It's new this year in Rexburg and I am SO happy. 

Things have been really rough lately. There have been few times on my blog when I really open up, but sometimes it's important to be real. It sucky and confusing time. Why not rent a puppy to cheer you up? 
This puppy sure put a smile on my face.

Things will work out and I am focusing on enjoying my 'now'. 
I love this post on the "Something Devine" blog. 
She talks about the importance of being nice to yourself when so often I know I can be my own worst critic.
AND I'm still keeping the idea "2015 is my year" fresh at the forefront of my mind and not let a bump in the road cause a setback too big to overcome.