October 11, 2014

where do I see myself in 5 years?

Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
I was asked this question about a week ago + haven't stopped thinking about it since.
Especially since I have begone working as a nurse with some elderly, interesting, great individuals. 
I like the idea of this list of goals, ideas, hopes, and dreams! 

In 5 years....
+ I'll have my bachelors degree in nursing and lots of experience, specifically in Labor and Delivery.
+ Eric will have graduated with his bachelors degree in Geology with an emphasis in Petroleum. 
+ NOT living in Rexburg ;) 
+ We will be living wherever Eric can get a great job. Preferably close to family, so either Texas or Utah.
+ We will have made the transition from apartment living/renting to hopefully owning a home.
+ We will be a mother and father and possibly expecting our second child.
+ [hopefully] We will be driving two different cars than what we are now. Ha!
+ We definitely want to start traveling together soon. 
+ I also see myself striving to be a better person, greater friend and a strong member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. 

It's little nerve racking thinking about the next 5 years, but oh so exciting. At the same time I know it'll fly by!

The past couple of weeks have been crazy!
First, I did start a job! + school part time to receive my bachelors in nursing. 
Second, Eric started school full time + working part time at the same great job on campus. 
Third, we are starting our fifth week of the semester.
Fourth, I turned 22. Where Eric spoiled me all day. 
Fifth, we traveled to Utah for some family time + general conference.
Sixth, Eric is currently in the grand canyon studying rocks. 
These 4 days will be the longest we spend apart, not cool. (during our 6-month anniversary and his birthday booo) 
Seventh, in three weeks we are moving! ----> It just kind of happened! I wasn't expecting the move in the middle of the semester but we are moving to a bigger apartment! (hello washer and dryer, dish tv and internet included)
Eighth, my brother in law received a mission call to the Everett, Washington mission!
Which is ironically funny.. This is the day we found out we got the new apartment.. It's called Everett! haha

Some very random pictures: 
Eric attempted in making his first cake ever for me + frosting it, not too bad! It sure was delicious.
We also have carried on the tradition of breakfast in bed on your birthday. (I'll spare that picture) 
And I got a little shopping spree to Forever21. He knows me so well. 
This is how we get ready together. We are quit the weird couple.
Baby snuggles are the BEST!

A picture just because he is incredibly handsome and tomorrow we have been married 6 months! 

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