September 9, 2014

5 years ago today

September 9, 2009

Eric and I have a lot of 'little' dates that we could call for celebration.
Today is one that we choose to always remember. 
Five years ago today Eric asked me to be his girlfriend.
I was so giddy.
I had been hoping he would ask for months!
About two weeks after we had our first kiss.
I was crazy about him!
We were only 16.
Now I'm married to the boy I've wanted to marry since I was 16!
And in just three days we'll celebrate 5 months of marriage.

And in celebration, I updated the tab "Our Story"
Check it out to read about us from the age of 2 years old to now!


  1. Cutest story! I'm a sucker for couple who "wait" for each other!

    1. Thanks Becky! I'm so glad every day that it worked out. When it's meant to be, it gonna happen! :)

  2. Awww congrats! That's so awesome that you guys have stayed with each other, particularly through all the changes that teenager good can bring! You are an inspiration!

    1. Hannah, thank you! You are too sweet :) We did have some bumps along the way, like any relationship, but as we pushed through them and made it we knew we would want to be together forever.

  3. p.s. Uhh 'teenagerhood' not 'good' haha
