I haven't done a post all about Molly since she was 18 weeks old. She is now 1.5 years old!
When we decided to get a puppy we had our expectations. I focused on preparing. I did A LOT of research on training a puppy; crate training, potty training, teaching commands, walking on a leash, no biting, etc. To a certain degree we knew the changes getting a puppy would bring to our daily routine and life. But I think we were searching for something new / a change and we didn't know it. Molly has exceeded all of the expectations and brought more joy than I imagined.
When we decided to get a puppy we had our expectations. I focused on preparing. I did A LOT of research on training a puppy; crate training, potty training, teaching commands, walking on a leash, no biting, etc. To a certain degree we knew the changes getting a puppy would bring to our daily routine and life. But I think we were searching for something new / a change and we didn't know it. Molly has exceeded all of the expectations and brought more joy than I imagined.
Molly is a very special dog with her own personality. She has a laidback temper and loves people and affection. She is hilarious and we laugh at least 5 times a day with her. Molly has increased our happiness, helped us be more social, get outdoors more and made us feel loved! And we love her. I think my favorite part is the bond and the trust. We trust her and she trust us and that makes trips, camping, the park and her meeting new people/dogs so much easier and fun. Molly is a year and 6 months old but we will probably always call her our puppy. It is crazy to me to think that she is ours for many more years. I can't imagine her not in our family.
Now here are many (but really a small fraction of what I could share) adorable pictures.
75 pounds
Halloween 2018
Christmas 2018
She loved laying right under the tree. She surprisingly wore her Christmas pajamas really well too haha
Snow 2018-2019
Lots of hiking and play
My sister took this and it is one of my favorite pictures
She loves to cuddle
And stick her head out the window
More cuddling
The day we learned she can run up a tree and balance there
Nap time on Eric
Ohhhh the patience
Mollys favorite place to lay and watch the construction and people walk by on the bike path
She fell asleep with her ball in her mouth hahaha
Getting dried off after a bath!
I love when she lays on me and sleeps. It lets me know she is really comfortable with us.
This last week I was watching my 10 month old niece. Later that night I told Eric about the belly laughs from her, the cuddles and the love I smothered her with.... and that it all made me feel sad that I didn't have a baby of my own. Not upset, angry, depressed. Just sad in the moment. And I wanted to sit with that emotion and feel it. We climbed into bed and Molly jumped up, cuddled up next to me and fell asleep. She is such a blessing!!
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