I originally started this post shortly after November 2014 when we were looking for a new place to live. We went for a drive one afternoon and noticed there really are so many living options, most we had never heard of. We drove by a street of apartments we didn't know existed and thought they looked nice. A week later someone was selling their rent contract to those exact apartments. We moved into our new place November 1st! Here are some pictures I snapped of our first home before we moved out.
I thought it was important to finally document this now, since we moved again! That's right, on April 1st we moved to St. George, UT. (more on that later). We lived in this apartment for 1.5 years and totally loved it. It was perfect to us and it was so sad/fun/weird/exciting packing it up.
After 80% of everything was packed up I realized I never took a full picture of our 'front room' that consisted of our living room + dining room. Then I found some on my computer! But we had rearranged pictures/furniture twice since I took them haha. But you'll get the idea. The main thing not pictured is we did get out Texas sign hung above the TV ;) Oh, and I purposefully left out pictures of the 2nd bedroom and laundry room... you're not missing much!
Living Room
Master Bedroom
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