March 4, 2015

photos on the wall.

At the start of the new year I finally hung things on our bare walls!
There was a pile of frames, that Eric kept asking about, on the floor for far too long.
I had so many things to hang up,
but where did I want to put it? How did I want to organize it on the wall?
I was sure I was going to screw it up! haha Creating a photo wall is intimidating right??
 So I kept putting it off.
I guess I kept thinking Eric would help me out ha.
One Saturday I got to work with hammers and nails and just went at it.
My attempt at our "photo wall" turned out lots better that I was expecting
and it's my favorite part of our home!

My home feels complete when pictures and photos of special times of our lives hang on the wall.
 I love the daily sight. I love as the day passes by quickly,
I can stop and glance at a picture of the Savior, of my love, my family miles away memories. 


  1. I love all the decor, you really know how to place everything! I always wanted to make a collage wall of pics and other decor but I could never think of how to place it all together!

    1. Kasey, thank you for your comment! I'd always wanted to make one too, now that we've settled into our new place I finally just went for it. It wasn't as frustrating as I thought it would be and just worked out haha

    2. How cute! I love it! And I thought your place was cute without anything on the walls! Now it's blowing my mind ;)

    3. You're too sweet! Come visit here again! This time we'll be here too haha
