January 29, 2015

falling in love with my kitchen aid.

We tracked the delivery of this box for a week! Longest week ever.
Target had an awesome deal online. 
We spent an evening driving around looking. I was very indecisive on which kind and color.
So after driving to Walmart, Target, and Bed Bath and Beyond we stopped for some dinner at Cafe Rio,
 headed home and ordered this baby online! 

Within minutes of opening the box we were mixing ingredients for chocolate chip cookies.
Let me tell you, those were the BEST cookies I've ever made + tasted.
I realize it's because the kitchen aid does all the work haha.
Eric's making banana bread, it shreds chicken like a pro, and I can't wait to use it more.
So far, I'm impressed and obsessed! 


  1. Kitchen aids are the best! I have the same one in white and use it all the time :)

    1. I'm glad to hear you use yours so often! I wasn't sure at first how much I'd use mine, but I've realized it's great for so many things!

  2. My kitchen aid was the best purchase I've ever made! Welcome to perfection!

    1. That is SO good to hear! It was a big purchase that will last years.
      Thanks for your comment!

  3. I have that some one too and it's my favorite! I'm dying in Grenada without all my appliances, and the Kitchen Aid is on the top of that list. Usually I resort too just NOT cooking because it feels twice as hard without my Kitchen Aid and rice cooker and dish washer, and all the other appliances. Enjoy it extra for me! p.s. if you don't have the dough kneading attachment, get it. It makes bread making the easiest!
