This is really the first time that I have been BORED with routine. I usually thrive on it and feel content. I have an itch to leave St. George, which I've never had before because I really love living here. It is probably because we have such fun trips planned. I am looking forward to the rest of the year and wish it was all happening this week!
Texas: 5 weeks, 1 day
California: 7 weeks, 5 days
Snowbird family reunion: 11 weeks
Idaho: 12 weeks
HAWAII: 20 weeks, 2 days
I booked my trip to Texas at the beginning of January! I'm taking this trip solo, but I'm excited to go back to my home away from home and spend time with my family and friends.
Okay, I know the itch is because I spend 100% of my free time researching Hawaii. I have 50+ new bookmarks saved, 100 or so pinterest pins and always a tab open to youtube to discover activities and hikes to. Eric and I have never really took a "vacation" together. This is a huge trip that I am being OCD about. I know it will be a trip of a life time and that is why I am putting so much effort into planning and perfecting an itinerary. Oahu and Maui, we are coming for you!
Our California and Idaho trips are both for weddings! One is for a best friend and I am so excited to be with my group of college friends again. The second is for Eric's brother and family weddings are always a great time!
I've recently been wanting a change at my job. So I decided to switch to doing day shifts for the time being. My last day shift job was insanely busy and I would usually end up working 14 hour shifts (4 days in a row). So when I was told I would have to start on night shifts at my current job I was okay with that. It felt like a break and I ended up LOVING it. I love the night shift staff and I had a great schedule. Somehow I made it 13 months working night shifts and I feel like my health can't take it any longer. I'm giving up working with some of my favorite nurses and CNA's and being able to attend church every Sunday, but I feel that my health is more important. The best to sum it up is I feel like I have jet lag constantly. On my 4 days off a week I feel exhausted, grumpy, sluggish... and not enjoying life. And shout out to you if you maintain a physically fit body and perfect nutrition plan working night shifts. Some weeks that feels impossible! I felt like this feeling/realization all came in the same week. At the end of the week I was called for work to just check on how I was doing on night's (because I never see anyone from administration) and there was an opportunity to switch if I wanted to. I didn't have to think twice and knew it was a type of change I was needing. I also realized how happy it made Eric when I told him. He looked at me with his large brown eyes, he started to smile and said "I get to sleep with you every night?" ❤️
Now some super random photos... I really need to be better at taking pictures.
We enjoyed a night at a Brian Regan show with Eric's family.
Brian Regan and the opening act were both super great!
Still enjoying our evenings with our view and we got this fun fire pit. The city has also put a new bike path in very close to the house and I'm really excited to start using it!
Eric worked his buns off and bought himself a dirt bike. I have to hand it to him... it's a pretty awesome bike and he really loves it. I took this picture of him with his new bike on my new DSLR camera. I have no idea what I'm doing with it, but I am excited to learn!
Before he took off for church. I just follow behind in my car 😂
We are coming up on a YEAR since we moved into our new home. Maybe some people feel like they have everything unpacked and organized way before a year mark hits. But I know I still have 3 boxes stuffed away that I want to have sorted before. I also want to do a huge update from when we first moved in to a year later!
i am catching up on blogs (it's been a long time) but i love this post!! i love the idea of things to look forward to - even if they are small, they really boost your happiness!