July 16, 2014

The day the rains came down... and it flooded.

Seriously everyone. It was kind of really scary. I went into take my LAST nursing test at 6:15pm and it had already been hailing for a while. As I was taking this timed test, on the computer,180 questions, the huge rain storm and hail just kept pouring. To the point where it was so loud I didn't want to focus on my test. I thought it was bad and wondered if we needed to take cover or anything. Next thing I know we are being evacuated, I hear mention that it's starting to flood, but all I can think about is how important this test is I had just spent two hours sitting there working on it and I was not going to stop in the middle. I was pissed. I go outside and I'm thinking "Where is this flood??" I head back into the building and as I'm walking in I call Eric to come pick me up. That's when I realized I was about to be walking in water up to my calfs. The whole building was flooded.

I go outside to wait and Eric starts driving to campus. But all the streets are flooded. Our car can't make it through some places. He got as close as he could and I walked the rest of the way to him... well swam. The flood was up to my knees. As soon as I got into the car he told me he just got called into work. He works for the campuses plumbing/electric office. He spent 5 hours on campus going through buildings fixing/cleaning things. When I picked him up last night there were people all over campus cleaning debris that were left in roads/parking lots.

And guess what, campus looks like nothing happened to it today. We're back in classes, taking finals and graduation is in 7 days!

We experienced our first, and hopefully last, flash flood! I am so, so grateful our apartment is safe. As I was making my way off campus to get to Eric I saw apartment complexes taking buckets of water out and dumping them. They set up refugee for people affected. I can't imagine losing everything. Pray for those affected by this! Here are some pictures going around the internet.

Water flowing into campus. 

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