May 2, 2014

A moment to always remember

The first look. This was such a fun and relaxed day! Eric and I flew home to Texas a few days before the wedding, but on separate flights. It took him all day to get home when my flight was quick. The next time we got to see each other was when we were all dressed up to meet one another for a surprise look. Why we chose to do this? It took so much stress off of the wedding day! We were sealed in the Dallas Texas Temple and we focused on the sealing and our family there with us for our special day. We also took a ton of fun photos at the Temple, I'm dying to get those pictures back! Enjoy! :) 

annnnnnnnnd, my favorite photo capturing a moment to always remember.


  1. loveloveLOVE these pictures! first look pictures are just the best!!

  2. these are so dang cute girl!! you two are presh! i can't wait to read more:)
