March 1, 2014

Capturing Moments

Capturing Some Moments

Right after we called the LDS Temple to schedule a time to be sealed for eternity.
(We met up in-between classes on campus and found an empty study room to call together. haha)

Right after we put a contract in for an apartment together! 
The apartment we wanted and got! 

We got a little creative after we had an appointment with our engagement photographers.
We love our engagement photos. You can find some of them documented here.

Dress shopping for the first time!
4 different stores, probably 15-20 different dresses and I found one! 

Registering for wedding gifts... way too much fun! 

It has been such happy and exciting times! I am so blessed to be marrying this man. He has continually taught me so much, especially during our engagement. I learn more about myself and he helps me learn the kind of better person I want to be each day. I'm so excited to start our lives together and to continue to learn more about one another and capture all the moments in our lives! 

1 comment:

  1. You are such a cute couple...this is the most fun stage in your relatonship, savor it!
