January 27, 2014

Wedding Planning

Wedding Planning is 100% crazy. A little overwhelming too, but completely fun and worth it! It's so much fun seeing everything come together! And it's such a huge relief. I felt a little all over the place starting to plan in Idaho when all of my family was in Texas. But it has been great! The first thing that was actually set and planned was when we called the Temple to set the time and date. I hadn't even thought about any other thing. It felt official and real when our sealing was scheduled. It was one of the happiest moments so far with Eric. I hadn't really thought about only having three months to plan the rest.
These have been some of the most efficient days of my LIFE

So far: 
Engagement pictures done!
Wedding Announcements being designed
Temple is booked
Venue is booked
Wedding Photographer is booked
All bridesmaids have plane tickets to fly in (yipeeeee!)
Lots of little things coming together, like decorations
Bought THE wedding dress!
And I've taken two test this past week + did a 12 hour clinical  

We ALSO got an apartment!
Next thing we did was put in a contract for an apartment. Those go fast. The complex was within our budget and we went to tour it. I was pretty sure there was this huge waiting list and we were wasting our time. So I wasn't getting my hopes up. The place was such a cute, little apartment! We then found out there was only about 10 people on the waiting list. They said it would be middle of February when we would find out for sure if we got a place. But soon after, we already found out we're in! Now I can't stop picturing in my head how to decorate:)

This is what wedding planning does to us. 
Thanks Janessa for the snapchat.

January 25, 2014

Anxiously engaged....

Eric had the ring for almost 5 days and I must say, he did pretty good at distracting me/lying! When Friday was coming around he mentioned he wanted to drive about 30 minutes to the next bigger city, Idaho Falls, to grab some lunch after classes. We headed out there and had lunch at Olive Garden. 

[[Funny side story: I told Eric I only wanted to have my nails painted when he proposed! The day before I had been at the hospital for clinical, where we can't have our nails painted. Friday morning I woke up a little earlier before classes just to paint my nails, I had a feeling! At lunch Eric commented, "oh you painted your nails again!" He knew I was little suspicious ;)]]

After lunch we drove a couple more miles and parked. We crossed a bridge to a walking trail across the water from the Idaho Falls Temple. As we walked along side the frozen water we talked and chased the ducks. After walking a while we came to the actual water falls their self. There was a dock that went out over the water. The waterfall actually wasn't frozen! It was so pretty! 

Eric pulled out a tiny photo album he had in his pocket. [[I had really tried to keep an eye on him to see if he had anything in his pocket, I had no idea!]] He had put pictures in it from us dating over the years. We laughed and talking about them, but my heart was pounding. The very last thing was a note from Eric. He had written it to me before his mission 

Of course, he wanted me to read it out loud. I could could barely make it through. The very last sentence read "I want to spend eternity with you." Next thing I know he is on one knee, asking me to marry him! While I was still crying and trying to hug him :)

The past week has been so surreal and perfect. I can't wait to marry my
 B E S T  F R I E N D !

January 21, 2014

My engagement ring

If you are like me, I knew exactly what I wanted my engagement ring to look like. I had this vision in my head that was no where on pinterest.  I had described it to Eric hoping he would listen carefully and take that into consideration. We ended up looking together [[first time we looked story at the end]] a few times so I could point out what I liked and didn't. I mostly just walked around making comments. All the stores, but one, told us they didn't have what we were looking for. But oh, of course, they could custom make it for us. Which cost more and takes more time. If you have both of those on your side then great! But Eric and I were on a budget and were planning for a quick engagement. The one store we walked into I was describing what I wanted and another consultant heard me. He motioned for us and said he had the perfect idea. He then handed me a gemstone ring. That's right, a beautiful sapphire was in the middle of this ring. But everything else about the ring was exactly what I wanted. I gave Eric a look of "hey check this one out" and we were on our way. I was so thrilled to see the ring again, but with a diamond in the middle, when he proposed! It was such an awesome surprise!

[[cute side story: Eric was so sneaky and cute the very first time we looked at rings. That evening we had dinner at Olive Garden with my family and some friends. Eric and I decided to see a late movie showing of Frozen and had about 2 hours of time to kill before it started. After dinner I asked if he had any idea of what we could do around that town. He started mentioning there was something he had been wanting to check out. I had no clue. As we started driving I was little confused and asked where we were going. He told me he didn't know exactly where it was located but there were a few around...still confused. Eric then pulls into a parking lot and leads me into a store to look at engagement rings! He told me after thinking some about it, he wanted an idea of what I liked and didn't. I was stunned it was actually happening, only after ever talking about it! So exciting and fun! I'll always remember that memory!]]

January 19, 2014

He Popped the Question!

 Eric proposed on Friday, January 17, 2014!
The day I've been dreaming with him for too long.
I said YES!
I can't wait to marry my best friend!
Now let the wedding planning begin!

Details to come :) 

January 10, 2014

here's to 2014

2014. I really like typing and saying it.

2013 was a very rough year. Last year I did a 'year in review' post of 2012. I just didn't feel like it this time around. 2013 year dragged on and on. There have been hard, sad times from the passing of my father and grandmother to happy, exciting times when Eric came home from his mission.

But through it all there is one thing that I gained more of. An experience that I will always remember. Something that I cherish. There is a great love I can take away from 2013. My love for the wonderful gospel of Jesus Christ was strengthened. Without it, I wouldn't of made it through 2013.

I already really like the way 2014 is going and the exciting plans/times ahead :)


January 9, 2014

These past 3.5 months

These past 3.5 months, let me tell ya, they've been some for the books. During the mess of it all they weren't exactly times I wanted to remember so much. Now, I want nothing but to look back on them and be grateful.

This past semester was busy. Extra, super, crazy busy. Nothing I ever imagined it would be. On December 20th I finished my fifth semester of college and second semester of nursing school. And I'm just now blogging/talking about any of it...I had to recover first [[And I should probably say something before I dive into another semester.. we're on the 4th day already]]

The nursing program was tough...[[tough/hard meaning I don't really want to talk about it]] But on top of it I accepted a calling as Relief Society President.

--A little insert about what Relief Society is for friends/family who don't know.--
The Relief Society is the oldest women's organization in the world. It was established in 1842 for women 18 years of age and older. Women come together to strengthen, serve, and teach each other. It's Motto is "Charity Never Faileth". The Relief Society is my favorite thing about the LDS church. To me it is friendship. Here at school we are all moving through the same phases of life. Living away from home, college, etc. It is a way for us to be there for one another. Here are some more answers from people of what Relief Society is to them http://mormon.org/faq/relief-society

I felt blessed to be able to serve with about 40 other young women. I was very apprehensive at first being in the nursing program and taking this on. Was I just adding more stress to myself? But it felt right. It was what I needed. I knew that if I did my best to serve and work hard in my studies everything would be fine.

There is one thing I have learned in college thus far, and there's been a lot, Heavenly Father will not let you down. Ever. He is waiting to bless you, but we must have the faith in him that everything will work out. When it all comes down to it, after you've made all your plans and done everything in your power you can possibly do, you have to put your trust and faith in Him. And He comes through for you, every single time

At the end of the semester everything worked out wonderfully. I was stunned. I didn't know what to do next, except thank my Heavenly Father for blessing me. I've never worked so hard and felt so good to be rewarded for it. All with the help of my Heavenly Father. My testimony and faith have been strengthened. 

And I get to do all again this new semester, woop!

January 2, 2014

Antique shopping

We spent a good 5 hours looking through antique shops today. And I loved every minute of it! I love all the crazy, awesome finds. I really want an antique type writer and an antique globe. So fun to go looking for! If you haven't tried antiquing and think you probably wouldn't like it, you never know! There could be something there that you catches your eye. Try it!

I'm hanging out in Arkansas for the next couple of days relaxing until I head back to school. This Christmas break has been way to good to me! There's lots to share coming up as this new year starts! :)