What I can't believe even more is my little sister is starting her first semester of college this fall. I also know a lot of others who are moving out, some traveling far, and starting their college experience for the first time.
I wanted to leave you with some things that I have learned:
- Don't give up. And stay positive. College can be as good or bad as you make it. This is one of the best times. Become the person that you want to be. You are the only person who can be you! Don't change for anyone else and stay true.
- Do what you like. Do the things that you are interested in. One biggest regret I have is just waiting to long to get involved. There are so many things to be a part of on campus. Go to one of those fair thingys and sign up to join organizations! You meet a TON of people and make some great friends!
- Get the most out of college. In college you will have a lot of opportunities.They may seem like a lot of work at first, but you can have the greatest experiences. If you want to study abroad, then GO! Take that internship. Audition for something. These experiences will shape you and you can discover a lot about yourself.
- Have an open mind. About everything: your classmates, professors, roommates, and your future...Don't be afraid to change your major! I was so set on what I wanted to do since at least halfway through high school. Yes, I am pursuing that major now, but I actually went back and forth on what I wanted to do a ton of times! I met with advisers and read up on other majors. I took classes that interested me and discovered a lot. I had teachers who tried to persuade me to go to PA school or stick with Child Development. I looked at my options. I'm really glad I did, because now I feel even more confident about my major.
- Balancing time. It's a huge deal. Everyone thinks they're going to be a pro at it their first semester. I sure wasn't because it's easy to get caught up with everything going on. You're schedule is a really big change. Make time to study. Find your ideal place to study and just get things done. I change my spot I study every semester. Don't be afraid to use a tutor. They are a blessing. Then make time to go out and be social. Have FUN!
“You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards.
So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future.
You have to trust in something – your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever.
This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life.”
–Steve Jobs
Smile. Be happy. It's an exciting time!
Congratulations to the Class of 2013 and good luck in college!
just ask me if you have any other questions!
just ask me if you have any other questions!